Something about Flesh and Stone that's been pointed out by a few people. When the Doctor leaves Amy in the forest
he's not wearing his jacket (the Angels stole it) but when he comes back and grabs her hands he is wearing it. The theory is that he's not the same Doctor. Maybe he's come back from some point in the future to talk to her. And watching the scene again, it makes a lot of sense. His mood seems to have changed so much in the couple of seconds he's been away, from "Amy, later" to "No, that's not the point. You have to remember."
I didn't notice the jacket but at the time I did wonder why he'd suddenly come back like that and also that he never explained what he meant about remembering when she was seven. But if it hadn't happened to him yet, of course he wouldn't explain. He couldn't. I'm quite taken with this idea. Right now, I'm not sure why he'd come back to talk to her then, but I really want this to be true. I love when it when it gets all timey wimey.
Of course, it could be that we're reading too much into a continuity error, but if anyone would do this, it would be Moffat.
I should have gone to bed by now, but I decided to watch Massive Engines instead. Seeing as I know next to nothing about airships and trains, I can pretend it's educational and that I'm not just watching it cos Chris Barrie presents it...