The Final Installment of Christmas 2015

Dec 27, 2015 19:33

Well, today was the drive back home. Sara put my iPod on the speaker, playing the songs in order (rather than in shuffle, which is how I usually listen to it). She challenged me to try to guess which song would come on next, and I was surprisingly bad at it. I knew that "Shut Up and Dance With Me" must come after "Shake It Off," but that was about the only one I got right.

The majority of the drive was uneventful, but right as we were getting back into L-city, we hit the most awful downpour. I was driving at the time, and it was so bad that I could barely see where I was going and passed a few accidents. I was very relieved when we finally got back to our apartment safe and sound. I think the cats were happy to have us back, too.

We were tired from the long drive, but rather than rest up for the work day tomorrow, I decided to make the evening a little harder on myself. While doing my laundry, I accidentally knocked the entire box of dryer sheets into the washing machine and didn't notice! The box disintegrated in the wash, and when I went to move them over into the dryer and found my clothes full of a ton of dryer sheets and covered in tiny, wet, shredded pieces of cardboard. I had to spend forever picking them all off! Ugh!

ipod songs, travel

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