Wash that year right out of my hair...

Jan 01, 2017 14:19

Welp, that's over. 2016, I mean.

In some ways, it was good for me, personally. My work life has never been better or busier. My trip to the UK was the best thing ever. Other, mostly family, trips were likewise great, including weddings. The best was a celebration of my Great Aunt's 100th birthday. She still has every single marble she ever had and lives in the same house she had built in 1956. I think she must've been a super hero of some sort, because nobody has that kind of posture!

Politically, I was more engaged than I have been in years, running to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and having something (Bernie!) to be excited about for the first time in...forever. T'was all for naught, but perhaps more people have received a wakeup call and we will start to make a difference. I'm not super optimistic, but this message from Brian Eno helped me to put things in perspective this morning:

2016 was indeed a pretty rough year, but I wonder if it’s the end - not the beginning - of a long decline.

From your keypad to Gaia's ears, Brian.

I wrote fic! There were four (4!) ficlets for sb_fag_ends, which definitely fulfilled my 2016 New Year's resolution to post more there than the zilch of 2015. I also wrote some things for seasonal_spuffy. Here's the lot:

Wonders Never Cease, in which S6 Spike takes Buffy to the beach to investigate something unusual.

Happy birthday, you're adopted!, in which Buffy wakes up not herself on her 21st birthday. Extended version on AO3.

The Fun House Doors of Perception, in which S6 Spike's sure he's got it all figured...

Foxy Ladies, in which post-series Spike and Buffy go out on the town in San Francisco, at a drag bar. Comics-compliant, but not required.

Home Free, in which our future-set heroes serve in war time...

What Happens in Canada, in which post-series Buffy, for the good of her sister Slayers, participates in a study (in Canada). She's a giver. WIP with 3 chapters so far. Who knew there was so much to say about sex studies? (That's rhetorical, folks.) This won an award!

All Spuffy this year, though I had high hopes of doing other stuff. I do have lots of story beginnings lying about, so maybe I can finish some of those up. My writing resolution for 2017 is to finish my WIPs, though.

I attended Comic-Con and WriterConUK, did some beta-ing, and modded the heck out of seasonal_spuffy. There were two fantastic new rounds there. Cool new addition, thanks to rbfvid, is a gorgeous archive that has ALL the LJ and Dreamwidth content of the community in one place! Check it out: Seasonal Spuffy Space

The year ended with some whimpers, though. My mom broke her arm on Christmas morning, and is now in a rehab facility for a (hopefully) shortish stay. Another family friend has rapidly progressing dementia, and I and another of his friends are trying to get him the care he needs, as we are his trustees. Neither of us lives in his state, so I'll be traveling for that quite a bit in the next few months. The move to Portland is looking very likely in the next 3 years. However, in spite of all our public and cultural losses, I had only one funeral to attend in 2016 which puts it way ahead of 2015.

The move to Dreamwidth is also looking more likely, although I have my doubts. I'll continue to cross-post to LJ from there/here, but I've had a multi-year problem with notifications from DW that their people haven't been able to fix. I'll give it a go, but if you comment on DW and don't hear back, that's why.

This entry was originally posted at http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/45816.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.

rl, fic, writing, dw

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