20 Years Ago...

Feb 28, 2017 21:48

Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired on television 20 years ago this month. I did not watch it at the time, because I had seen the movie - which sounded right up my dark comedy alley - and it did not live up to expectations. Also: very small child in the house led to very little TV viewing. Back then, we didn't have such high expectations for TV shows - except for Twin Peaks - so I felt safe in my assumption that the show would not be an improvement over the film. I'm very glad to have been wrong.

To celebrate, I'm going to post any little tidbits I can remember have found interesting about the show, focusing on 4-5 episodes at a time.

But first, THE MOVIE:

1. Buffy does NOT burn down the gym at Hemery High.
2. The historical slayers/watchers (all played by Kristy Swanson/Donald Sutherland) make their debut here and not in "Fool for Love".
3. Let's all be thankful that the movie's menstrual cramp-vamp-radar was scrapped for the show.
4. Buffy's partner-in-slayage/love interest is a pretty greaser called PIKE. Is it really plagiarism when you're stealing from yourself? I say no.
5. Paul Reubens might have been the funnest thing in the whole undertaking. How can he be more entertaining than Rutger Hauer? IDK.

The UNAIRED PILOT, which you can download at Buffyworld.com, has a couple of interesting deviations from "Welcome to the Hellmouth":

1. A different Willow. Questions? Comments?
2. Jonathan makes his first appearance here, but doesn't show up on the air until "Inca Mummy Girl". (Danny Strong also auditioned for the role of Xander. I have thoughts on this.)

What do you remember about these "prequels"?

This entry was originally posted at http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/45937.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.


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