Just popping in to say I did a ficlet for
sb_fag_ends! It's for their February "My Bloody Valentine" challenge. Is it possible to do fluffy S&M? If so, I guess that's what this is.
Title: Stars in Her Eyes
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 570
Rating: R
Warnings: Not exactly sex, but not sweet romance, either.
Prompt: Diamond necklace cat o'nine tails
Summary: Spike has found an extreme way to help Buffy blow off steam.
Click here to go to the story. Since I talked to you last, McDiva and I went to Chicago for a long weekend. It snowed! We did lots of things! Fun was had! This week is the start of her school's run of SPAMALOT, which is sure to be silly. College acceptances are coming in. Taxes are done. Work is busy. I did housework last weekend and got a blister. Dear Old Dad is coming for a visit next week. I'm hoping to be around these parts a bit more after the next couple of weeks. Woo! Oh, except for the trip to NYC in a month! Double woo!
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http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/33176.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.