2013 marked my 5th fanniversary on LJ. Here's what I did.
I made a whopping 13 posts in 2013. Fanfic output was down, for RL reasons. Temporarily, I hope. I finished four stories, one of which -
The Vamp Around the Corner - I already claimed was a 2012 story, so really, it's just three. Here's the complete list:
For Buffyverse Remixes
Love Is (the Death is My Gift remix)Original story:
Enemies by
sroni. (In this alternate reality Spike, Riley, Andrew, and Wood die in the Hellmouth, while Anya survives.)
Rating: PG13 for “language”
Word count: 1014
Characters: Xander/Faith, mentions of everybody
Summary: Xander gives this love thing some thought just as his life takes a turn.
For Seasonal Spuffy
The Sleepless Beast Knows BestCharacters: Buffy, Spike, and a bunch of Angel Season 5 folks.
Rating: PG
Word count: 2350
Summary: It’s the 2003 Wolfram & Hart Halloween Party, and Buffy’s been invited.
A/N: For Angel non-watchers, it’s the one where Lorne accidentally starts broadcasting destinies rather than just reading them.
For Noel of Spike
Midwinter PlungeWord Count: 3,300
Rating: PG13
Characters: Spike, “Doyle”, Faith, various bystanders. Any pairings are off-screen, but Spike/Buffy-ish.
Prompt: Spike, Doyle or Faith, Hot Chocolate
Summary: Spike catches a chill while helping the helpless in Angel S5, more or less circa Soul Purpose. Faith knows just how to warm him up.
Two are Angel Season 5 episode rewrites. Two are Faith-based. Heh. Buffy only takes action in one. There's no Dru. I will endeavor to correct that in 2014!
One of my old fics,
No Regrets, won the
Round 10 Running With Scissors "Unsung Hero" Award in the Who's Huh with What?! {Unconventional Couple} category. The story features Mr. Gordo/Miss Edith. No pretty yet, but I have hopes because the RWSA awards are really quite beautiful.
I posted several
Buffyverse Top 5 lists last year, but need to get more up this round.
fantas-magoria which I co-mod, finished its review of each episode of Buffy and Angel. I wrote a bit about movies and TV.
I didn't go to any "mainstream" fandom conventions. I did go to a film festival screening of Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing, with a squeeful write-up
here. I also attended a performance of The Bells of West 87th in LA, but did not report on it. Here you go: It was supposed to star James Marsters and Juliet Landau. After I got tickets, Ms. Landau dropped out. The production was poorer for her loss, IMO. The lead actress was not able to convey the quality of personality that would attract the devotion of Mr. Marsters' character, alas. Mr. Marsters was wonderful (English accent!), as was Carol Locatell who played the mother. Another Buffy alumna - Dagney Kerr, aka Buffy's college roommate Kathy - did a fine job with not much to do in the role of the sister. I saw a lot of plays this year, most of them more entertaining and cohesive than this one.
Real life stuff is fine. Just sort of immersive. Family is employed and healthy. My work got very busy for, well, the entire year. That's good, but does detract from my fandom involvement. In addition, it's been the year of college applications for McDiva, an undertaking in which I am overly involved. It's exactly the kind of thing I get obsessive about, with tons of research to do, data to sift, trips to plan, etc. Since she's applying to programs that require interviews and portfolio reviews, there's such a level of complication that I find it hard to believe that many teenagers could navigate the process unaided. She finished her applications a couple of weeks ago, and received her first acceptance - to Rutgers - on Friday. Now I get to obsess over the financial aid side of the equation. Lucky me! We have trips to Chicago and New York planned in the next few months, and some big decisions on the horizon, but I am likely to have an empty nest come autumn.
Whatever shall I do with myself?
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http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/32974.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.