Less cranky today...

Jan 05, 2011 10:13

So, I got in touch with the good folks at Kobo this morning and was pleasantly surprised at how competent and helpful they were. They're dispatching a kit for me to send the eReader back and I should hopefully have a new one sorted out within 10 business days. I'm still irritated, but I am trying to remember that every once in a while, a good product line produces a single lemon machine. At least that's what I'm hoping 'cause this thing is really nifty and I wants to play with it!

Being the overly vocabularically aware personality type that I am, I really want the Kobo itself to be a good product. You see a "kobo" is also a weapon that we train with in Budo class; picture a piece of dowling about a cm in diameter and the length of a pencil or so. I am profoundly amused by the notion and keep trying to come up with good puns regarding the word being mightier than the stick (still working on it though;->)

MIsc. little chores and more furniture assembly on the mat for today. Oh well. It's rainy and icky out so I'm not too stressed about being stuck indoors getting stuff done.
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