I just got some pre-cal and I gotta look over the creative writing
things. Everybody, remind me that this weekend I have to write
something brilliant to present to Boyd Next thursday.
I'm having a musicians block.
I desperately need a schedule book. This is ridiculous.
So we have a three day weekend.
Friday- go with matt after school to get stuff for Christian. Possible poker game. I gotta do something though.
Go to junior council thing at Alyssa's house. Try to have band practice
but be unsuccessful, have clandestine NHI meeting(shh dont tell), and
then at night go to the Hanna game practically alone, sit on the Hanna
side and wait till th third quarter to talk to Christian, give her my
creation and leave the game discontent because I felt weird and dorky
giving it to her as well as discontent that for this being the last
time I may ever see her in my entire life, nothing happened. Only I can
change that right? I gotta have the same LDZ motivation!!!!
"I wont let go, I wont let go. Even if you say so oh no"
Ben Gibbard rocks.
"Your eyelashes tickled my neck with every nervous blink and it was perfect"
Perfect way to describe the LDZ dance. BLAST IT!
remember on one of the nights at LDZ there was a social event. Where we
just talked to people. it was the end of the third night maybe. I had
just been denied the papers for governor. I went in their with my Lina
proclaimed "too cool for school" silver overshirt on and a white LDZ
shirt under that.
found it
I wasnt in the mood to meet people. I figured what
was the use. I was still pretty upset about it, almost in tears, but I
sucked it up and honestly, was waiting for Christian to come through
the doors to see if anything could happen with that. Just a thought.
beat myself up about the night before. Try and complete all homework
that I can. Do something. But theres so much to do. Hooks game? God, I
wish Christian lived in Corpus. Michelle, wont you be in town? Maybe I
could have my NHI meeting on Sunday.
SOmewhere along the line I have to do my Q&A, due monday.
Monday- go to library, do rest of homework.
dont want to go to homecoming. It's at the base. I dont like the army.
There wont be that many people there. I dont like dances anyway. So I'm
proposing "a swift orderly change". Sorry not really but death cab got
in my head. I'm proposing that we do something else. Now, I, whatever
we do, will be dressed up in a business suit doing it. A night downtown
or some sort of crazy adventure. Something new, worth remembering. God
I wish Christian lived in Corpus. The Dennys then swim idea Elissa has
isnt half bad. But, considering the insane prices of gas, there would
have to be as little transportation as possible.
Did I mention
Drew and her assignment for 50 things to do before junior year ends are
amazingly awesome. I have this huge list of things, many of which will
probably be omitted.
EDIT-I listen to Elliot Smith-Twilight and
am immediately depressed. There's something about that song that from
the beginning made it so incredibly eerie. The fact that the guy killed
himself with a sword makes me feel like there was some sort of story
that no one knew about. I was listening to something that a person that
is no longer living made. This is his legacy. I feel like the song
meant so much more. On the way up to LDZ I listened to this song non
stop while trying to sleep on the car cd player then on my personal
one. The skies were grey the whole way up there. It rained pretty hard
a number of times. That added to the mood I was in so much. From just
that morning, it was like I was already in LDZ mode. I couldnt eat, I
was consumed with strategy, I was in a constant state of a mood
characterized by slight depression, sleep deprivation and enjoyment of
the two.
This was a comment, i decided to add it here.
Edit 2- Then I put it on celebration guns fully aware of the
consequences. it all hit me again, stronger than just thinking back. I
remember saying Goodnight, sleep light, stranger around the campus all
the time. It was always in my head, she was always in my head. She was
the stranger. I said it in my reccurent strokes of brilliant insanity.
I remember all those times, and thats what I think of when I hear it.
Then I saw my MySpace pictures of me at LDZ, I saw the room. man...
this is such a nostalgic Christian/LDZ post. I'm not sorry.
Deadline tommorow. Not leaving till late. See you Friday boys and girls.