few days

Aug 31, 2005 17:52

Pastor Flores flaked...jerk.

I've learned that I like to have money on the way, and because of this flaking incident, I dont have money on the way...jerk.

Gas prices suck. I dont have to pay but my parents to and that's bad because I have places that I need to be. Let's eat babies. Shay says they're tender.

Today in creative writing we did another writing roullette. He told us to be serious though. I couldn't do it. No serious thoughts could come to mind. When it comes to improvisation, something humorous or crazy comes into my head. I was kinda dissapointed. He asked us to be serious and think of alternatives to the high gas prices...he was hoping for a solution. If I would have had this great solution, he woulda respected me in a new way and I mightve had an easier time getting an editor position.
No brilliant on the spot ideas. That made me depressed a bit.
Yesterday in the roullette we did blind iambic pentameter. We write one line that can have only ten syllables, we fold the paper over our sentence, and pass it to our left. We dont know what the person wrote before us. It's poetry. I wrote:
"My grandma hasn't gotten laid in years."
Then Andrew Nycum wrote about a giraffe in that same poem so in the end it was a love story between a grandma and a giraffe. Everyone laughed at the piece, it was rather entertaining. But today he read it aloud and pointed out some of the things i've said in prior roulletes. ie: I tried doing an old prostitute. I think he's kinda upset about that, We can't publish it and it is a tad bit obscene. It's funny though, and that's why I write it. It pushes the envelope of decency. Well rather it crosses the line, but we're with Boyd, so it's fine...I hope.
There is an unstoppable Quadcomic entity in room 130.

I seem to work best in groups of four.

Ok...3 recruits...no less!!! If you get three recruits you're freakin awesome. Coaches will not be decided till around the new year. A way to ensure your position as a coach is to get these recruits. If you need help on what to say or how to approach people just ask me.

That cool front was AMAZING! Ah, the grey clouds covered the sun. The refreshing breeze. It was autumn esque. Autumnal. I loved it.

And so yea I'm running for Vice President of Junior Council. I'm up against Alyssa Endres and Tara Cook. I'm not sure if I'm going to make posters or not. I should, but perhaps I should try a diffeerent approach. Nevertheless, vote for me. I'll tell you why in due time.

The reaction was priceless. Two hands were raised then Larry said "Anyone else?" and I raised my hands saying "eh, why not," softly. Everyone just kinda looked at me. I kinda felt the "you're running?" type of vibe ya know. It was very awkward. Then Robin Trotter said to me "I dont know if I wanna vote for a communist to be vice president" so I issued a challenge to her, the challenge to take the issue outside. Afterward, she was not outside.

This brought up the notion that people may not vote for me because of my non-relevant-to-junior-council beliefs. Some people may hate me as a matter of fact. I'd consider myself a likeable person. I'm amiable, congenial, I make a few people laugh, and I'm overall a pretty nice guy I'd like to think. I don't really give reason not to like me other than my believing in what I believe in as far as religion, theism and politics are concerned.

-if you save yourself you could save us all
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