This is me in one of those "people suck" moods.

Sep 02, 2005 18:21

People suck.
I want to play poker.
Today sucked overall. I felt like in idiot in McMurreys class cuz I said Marx supported revolution by any means necessary(aka violence). I'M AN IDIOT! McMurrey just kinda made me feel really stupid and ignorant. It wouldnt even make sense for Marx to be violent.
I made a 103 on the precal test
I made a 100 on the Cashman test
I made a 96 on the AP glossary
And a 100 on the spelling.

My grades are pleasing me. Blast that 96.
Deadline was aight, but I miss the old days for sure.
While yesterday I felt confident that I had a legitimate shot at winning the election for VP, Tara's cookie rampage kinda depressed me. A lot of people liked that. I have to campaign somehow...or i will lose this election. But I hate it. I hate the flashy colored signs. The Vote 4 Me!'s. I hate those 4's...with a passion. I feel like I'm just bugging people when I say "hey, vote for me." "Why?" I would ask myself.'s a cookie! Ok here's what they'll say- "Because I'm a good leader and I'm responsible and I'm organized and I'm fun." Well who isnt?!?!?! What sets you apart so much that I should vote for you over somebody else?
Why should you vote for me? Because I have visions, I'm ambitious, I'm efficient, I get things done, I'm congenial, I make intelligent decisions, I welcome the input of the individual, and I am open to reasoning and anything that makes sense. Maybe that's not anything different enough to note, but it's better than "Because I have a cookie." If only the election were to be decided by skill and not popularity. As far as credentials, the LDZ alone suffices. Leadership is not an issue, and I don't mind working second hand to the president of Junior Council. I don't need the highesr position to make an impact, I just feel like I need some position of authority to have significant influence. The council itself makes all the decisions based on a vote. I will merely organize things and act as a suitable representative.

I have to rely on something Tuesday morning and my speech. I still think I may lose.
Some girls are just whores.

Can you believe that some people are actualluy not going to vote for me because I believe in Marxist ideals and am an athiest? That's some jacked up ignorant thinking! It's not as though I can turn the council's economic system to Marxism, as if it was based on capitalism right now. We dont sell things for profit. In fact, it almost is communistic. We take their dues and give back to them through whatever we buy for them- materials and what not. And how will my religous views affect my decisions in my "term." It's not as if anything we do will have to do with religion anyway. Theism and political views have absolutely nothing to do with the Junior Council. That's some ignorant stuff.

McMurrey noted today, though I felt like the backside of an elephant, that Marxism is simply ECONOMIC! Nobody seems to get that. There are two seperate spectrums, the social spectrum and the economic spectrum. They don't cross. The only reason you have that vision is because the only seld-proclaimed communistic societies happened to have a totalitarian government. There is such thing as a Democratic Communist nation.
This blew some peoples minds.
Rebecca Hamman is freaking smart.
If today were cold, it would be much much much better.
Tommorow night.........

So I have these beads and I'm doing my cool thing, but I want to make it all symbolic. I want to write things on the beads like 361 or 8 or 72305 or some actual words related to LDZ. I dont know how to write small on beads. I want it to mean something more than just our color preference. But how can I be symbolic. I cant put charms or anything cuz I gotta wear one too!

My mom came into my room while I was doing this thing, I felt really stupid. Right now, I dont like my parents. I got the stuff with matt after school, I'm not too fond of him right now. I want to read a good book. Yesterday he said that he's always one up on me. That angered me a bit. Mr. McMurrey knows EVERYTHING that he's talking about. I envy him. I want to have that clear and brilliant of knowledge with SOMETHING! Today Bianca PDL heard my rank and said "I thought you were smarte." She meant it well, but its kinda funny.


I wanna play a game of poker. You down?
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