The board has now responded that such requests and thus abortions can not be refused and that it is not possible to deny a woman an abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy, even if the foetus's gender is the basis for the request.
"Designer children" can't be far behind.
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I on the other hand would like to see it a law that someone requesting an abortion demonstrate a medical necessity or extreme circumstances (as in they're eleven and were raped by their own father.) Failure to use birth control and being too dumb to pick up Plan B (which if you're over 17 is available OTC at most national pharmacy chains in the US) is not a medical necessity.
Unfortunately, birth control doesn't always work. Mistakes happen, unwanted pregnancies occur. You can't force someone to have a child. I don't care what pro-lifers say, that's a flagrant violation of human rights. No matter how stupid you are, you're entitled to those.
I thought the idea that individuals should be free to choose with whom they work was fairly noncontroversial.
Plenty of doctors will not perform frivolous procedures. They're morally obligated not to if they feel it's detrimental--you can't do a gastric bypass on someone who is not morbidly obese or obese with comorbidities. Well, you CAN, but a doctor who takes their job as a healer seriously does not. Doing a D&C on an oopsie because someone can't face up to spending nine months' pregnant because they can't show a little responsibility is not responsible medicine.
There is Plan B. There are safety 'drop spots'. There are 1001 adoption attorneys. If you are physically healthy you have no moral excuse for a convenience abortion and doctors should not be obliged to provide one, any more than they should be mandated to do any other unnecessary procedure. If your life isn't at risk, you should have thought of the consequences before flipping up your skirt.
...Actually, it is. Her body, her choice.
If your life isn't at risk, you should have thought of the consequences before flipping up your skirt.
That's like saying, "You wore a skirt, so you were asking to be raped." Could we possibly be more ignorant here?
By the way? Countless medical procedures aren't medically necessary, and yet are performed every day. Few people really need their wisdom teeth taken out, they can deal with horrible teeth for the rest of their life. That woman on the news recently didn't really need a face transplant, she can deal with children running away from her for the rest of her life. (To say nothing else about cosmetic surgery.) Doctors do provide these services and if they don't want to, they shouldn't have become a doctor.
Oh, and one thing that really bothers me about pro-lifers such as yourself? The attitude of how dare anyone not want a child, what a ( ... )
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