The board has now responded that such requests and thus abortions can not be refused and that it is not possible to deny a woman an abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy, even if the foetus's gender is the basis for the request.
"Designer children" can't be far behind.
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By the way? Countless medical procedures aren't medically necessary, and yet are performed every day. Few people really need their wisdom teeth taken out, they can deal with horrible teeth for the rest of their life. That woman on the news recently didn't really need a face transplant, she can deal with children running away from her for the rest of her life. (To say nothing else about cosmetic surgery.) Doctors do provide these services and if they don't want to, they shouldn't have become a doctor.
Oh, and one thing that really bothers me about pro-lifers such as yourself? The attitude of how dare anyone not want a child, what a selfish bitch a woman must be for doing what's best for her! It's as if being forced to carry a pregnancy to full term should be a punishment for having sex, which is ridiculous. If a mistake happens and the woman wants the child, fine. If she wants to put it up for adoption, fine. If she wants to terminate the pregnancy, fine. It is her body and it is her choice.
"Damn the consequences"? Bull. There will always be consequences, no matter what the woman chooses. But at the end of the day, it's her choice. It's her right to choose and no one can take that away from her.
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