The library roof leaked badly in the storm on Tuesday, so we've been closed all week while that gets cleaned up. The damage mitigation company has been hard at work drying things out and repairing walls and ceilings. You'd think it would only be the second (top) floor that got wet, but water made it down to the first floor as well. One of the reference computers got wet. (All of the floods cascade down to the front of the reference desk. All of them.) But after it dried out it booted up okay, so hopefully it's all right. Of *course* it's one of the brand-new computers that we bought this winter.
I was off yesterday as well as Tuesday, but we all went in today. The staff isn't doing much toward the cleanup--mostly just staying out of the way--but we have lots of other projects to catch up on. I was scheduled to be off tomorrow and work Saturday, but with us being closed I'm going in tomorrow and off all weekend.
We should be able to reopen Monday morning if all goes well. What's still up in the air is the music festival scheduled for this weekend. We can open just the auditorium (and nearby bathrooms), but naturally that was one of the places with the worst damage, so it may not be ready in time.
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