We had a very early shore excursion, so I figured out how to set the alarm on my phone and we got up at 6:30. This was the Saxman Totem Village; a bunch of us were on this: me, my siblings and nephew, Aunt AJ and her two kids and d-i-l. A longish drive, but we stopped by a fish hatchery, a waterfall, and a diving dock/jetty, as well as the totem pole collection. Some of the walking was a bit rough, with climbs over rocks. We saw two deer near the hatchery (although I didn't get any pictures of them) plus some tiny crabs near the jetty and lots of eagles. The totem poles were very interesting. My sibs and I got off in town, but I bailed early because my feet were killing me. I ended up having lunch with Aunt A, who had had adventures (the unfortunate kind) with a balky scooter and thus didn't see anything of the town. After a quiet afternoon, the others are down doing karaoke (which gives me hives, so I passed). Dinner in a bit, another formal night. I've been having a bit of trouble with my stomach from all the rich food, so I'll stick to something light tonight.
I may update this more later. Tomorrow is our last full day, but we don't reach Victoria until evening, so hopefully I can sleep in.
Later: Dinner was okay. It was hard to find something light in the formal dining room, but I managed. On the way back from dinner, we saw a whale near the ship. It blew a couple of times, and we glimpsed its back. A couple of hours later, I went back out on deck to sit and saw a bunch more whales. There were at least a half dozen, probably more, splashing around on the port side, mostly a good distance out. I mainly saw splashes and the occasional blow, but I did see a few tails before they splashed back down and at least once a bit of back. Way off in the distance, almost to the horizon, I'm pretty sure I saw one breach. I watched for a good half hour before they were no longer visible.
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