The station I usually go to had gas for less than $2 a gallon today.
Half an inch or so of snow last night. It didn't take long to clear my car, despite the tiny bit of ice on the windows under the snow. And the pavement (sidewalks and roads) was basically clear, so no trouble going to work this morning.
Yes, I had to work today. However, I get overtime pay *and* a comp day, so it's not a bad deal.
Maybe a major storm this weekend, Friday night through Saturday. We're overdue, sure. And yes, it is January. But I hope we don't get *too* much snow.
Right now it's bitter cold and very windy. Brrrr!
The neighbor upstairs is an electrician (and the landlord's almost-son-in-law), so he was able to fix the flickering light over my kitchen sink. It turned out to be the switch. I temporarily have no outlet there, because the only switch he had with him was just-a-switch; he's coming back later in the week to swap that one out for one with an outlet, too. It's okay, I don't need my toaster oven this week.
Turns out the old upstairs neighbors (aka Them) screwed over the new ones without even meeting them. The new people got an estimated gas bill of $300 for the last two weeks in May (when they first moved in) because the previous tenants had kept the heat waaaaaay up all the time. (No wonder They never paid Their gas bill.)
Lingering cold is lingering. I'm feeling a lot more alert than I was a few days ago, but the the cough and the stuffiness are hanging on. And I think I feel pressure building in my sinuses....
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