Jul 29, 2014 18:31
Turns out the Drood & Fug has a pretty nice nature path on the premises. The D&F campus used to be a Naval Research Center, so there's a good buffer zone of woodland around it that used to allow the Navy to do whatever X-Files weirdo testing they wanted to do here without detection.
However, it also turns out that the nature trail is closed due to a nearby construction project. It would have been nice if they had either put a sign up saying the trail was closed, or had locked the gate leading to the trail.
I mean, they should have locked the gate to the trail BEFORE I wandered down it. I came back to find the 8-foot, barbed wire tipped gate padlocked. If I didn't have my phone with me, I'd probably still be trapped in the fenced-off woods with the Navy-mutated deer.
In other news, LJ seems to be working again from deep inside the D&F. Is anyone still here? Holler if you can read this.
drood & fug administration