NBC EXECUTIVE WITH MORE MONEY THAN BRAINS: Hey, Jon Stewart is already polling as America's most trusted news source. Why don't we just make him our news anchor
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Fun Fact: Ayn Rand (1905-1982) is a direct reincarnation of Karl Marx (1818-1883). They both wrote to inspire white, middle class boys to cultishly spread a socioeconomic system that is so idealistically pure and one-sided that it would be impossible to attain. And it would doom any state that tried to do so.
People keep talking about the Kardashian butt pictures on the internet. The conversations mainly follow five themes, and they are all stupid. Here they are, in order of stupidity
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Inspired by the fracking industry's recent agreement with Susan g. Komen. I went on a photoshopping binge for other interests that could use some help with their images.
Apparently, the Harrisonburg, VA court house hasn't updated their phone system since 1982. They have 5 phone numbers to try, and each one always results in a busy signal. I think this might be the first busy signal I've heard in 10 years.