Mar 20, 2014 22:08
I think I might be the only person in America that'll miss Fred Phelps. I appreciated him for his one good feature: For the past decade or so, Fred Phelps was the one guy we could all agree on politically. He sucked. Americans of every race, creed, color, and persuasion agreed that he was a loathsome bastard. I have personally stood beside veterans, bikers, and members of the LGBT community in counter-protest of his sham protests.
I can't think of anyone who has unified Americans more than Fred has over the past 10 years.
I'll miss you, Fred. I mean, I'd still punch you in the kidneys if I got the chance. But even though you pandered for attention through revolting, financially motivated media spectacles, and even though you are hated like Hitler and are as relevant as a 2nd-rate reality show star, you still unified us. And as crappy and as imperfect as that unity was, it was still the only game in town.