Hmm, where is rdchino today? Ooh, I know! I'm crashing at abigor60's and cheshire_monkey's place! I've been in Sacramento since Saturday. First I was helping stinky_monky get packed and on the road, and now that she's gone I'm hanging out at the State Archives working my way through 23 boxes of documents from the California Air Resources Board. I got through four boxes today. Good times. I'm really going to have to be a bit more discriminatory if I am going to get through them all by Thursday afternoon, when I start heading north to Oregon ("North to Oregon a-go north, the rush is on").
I met stinky_monky's roommate for the second time on Saturday and promptly killed her two Sea Monkeys. I, uh, well, oops. Sorry about that. I had flashbacks to when my uncle killed my little marine buddies a while back by kicking their tank over in the middle of the night. Oh, the brine shrimp-anity.
Since s_m doesn't have regular internet access I'll be updating her driving progress this week. She and K got on the road today around noon-ish, and they stopped for the night about an hour ago in (what I'm sure is) scenic
Needles, CA. All is well so far, and the weather looks good for the rest of their trip. I'll post more news as I get it.
'Til then, it's time for bed. Gotta be back at the archives, sigh, as early as possible...