Ahoy, today be
International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Scrounge up an eyepatch, a parrot, and a wooden leg and pillage yer workplace for booty. The type of booty is up to you, mateys. Luckily I have some rum left over from the family's visit, so tonight it's all about the grog.
Cain't get too loaded to the gunwhales tonight, though. Dratted school starts on the morrow. Should be an interestin' quarter, ya lubbers. I managed to weasel my way out of havin' to take the cursed historiography class since I took two such classes for my M.A. at Sac State, so I be takin' a readin' seminar on Latin America (which may include something about pirates! Avast!) and the first half of a research/writin' seminar on modern America. Ah, America, the New World, the Spanish Main, source of all them treasure ships! There be beauties. I be TAin' for the first half of the US survey again, where it's easier to parley 'bout pirates, but it be at 8:30 in the morn. I sense lots of red skies this quarter. Take warn, me mateys.
Been a busy summer, doncha know (hmm, that's borderline North Dakota-ese, not pirate). Instead of earnin' legitimate booty, I mostly hung around the home port doin' some book learnin'. Managed to cross about 34 books and articles off me readin' lists (by the powers!), applied for a grant (and got rejected, the black spot on ye lily-livered scurvy dogs!), and submitted an article for publication (which I be hearin' an answer on in a few months, or there be keelhaulin'!). Not bad. Probably about 120 books and articles left to read for generals, though... Hmm, depressin'. Ahem, shiver me timbers, ye sons of biscuit eaters!
Heh, booty.