Feb 15, 2010 01:00
Today was a lovely day, except for being so tired and not wanting to get up this morning. I was surprised to be thrown right into working with the kids at church this morning. I absolutely love it. The guys leading it, Ken and Frankie (old men with young hearts), are so funny and friendly. I jumped right into helping lead the singing, then we did puppets, and they had a couple of cute videos interspersed,and a big mascot dog named Rover, and they kept track of points throughout the morning. I'm so excited to be working there.
After church I came home and had lunch and started to do some reading homework, but eventually took a nap (which felt heavenly btw). Then it was time for a quick dinner (delicious leftovers from Red Robin) and off to a little shebang movie event at some other girls' house. I walked over there in the rain, though it was hardly rain; just a drizzle like it's been all day. We watched The Princess Bride because a bunch of people hadn't ever seen it. Afterwards we played a card game called Di Hugo or something like that. It's Japanese for Rich Man. It was a lot of fun. The best I did was second place; I almost won! I ended up hanging over there for like 5 1/2 hours. I didn't get home until midnight. I got to spend some good time chatting with Dan both at the party and when he walked me home. It was very sweet of him. I love hanging out with that guy, we always have good conversations (and he can swing dance!).