Boooo I wrote a really long updated entry and my computer decided to be weird and I lost it. :( I'll try to rewrite it from memory. Bleh.
So, crabbing is slowly dwindling down. Last week Gabe and I went out to the beach we found none or a dead one. A little sad but their mating season IS over so they move on to bigger & better this...i.e..THE OCEAN!!!
Thurs 7/13- Went out 2 hours after HT later after sunset. There was murky water (can't even see a few inches deep!), windy, found a dead crab. :(
Friday 7/14 - Trip to the Sound School! Dr Mattei gave a talk to the middle & high school students. Then me and Luc brought in the crabs and helped the kids measure, put on cinch tags and sonar tags, then let them back into the sea! Free at last..kinda..with devices attached... Then Dr Mattei went out looking for eggs and found nests on Long Warf- they had horseshoe crab eggs just hatching!And happy birthday to my crabbing buddy Gabe! (Have lots of pics from this...may post them at a later date or just tell you to check the website when it's up :-) )
Mon 7/17- Worked on the website- went out at night- didn't find any crabs but it was beautiful outside! Website should be done in like a week? Me and Gabe are writing up all the stuff for the links and getting pics and sending it out to someone to make it look all pretty like the main site. It's up now with stuff Dr. Jareb put up..but he doesn't really know anything about horseshoe crabs lol Tues 7/18- Strictly website & took some pics of the horseshoe crab larvae. (Picture below- so cute!! at one point he was doing flips in the water :-)) So cool. Sorry I know it's nerdy but the pics look like something you'd see on a sciene journal.
Property of Dr. Mattei
Wed 7/19- Ughh work. We went through sediment samples from inside the intake that Dr Beekey and other divers collected last week. Someone didn't put enough methanol in them so they smelled HORRIBLE. Can't even begin to tell you how gross it was. We found all types of worms, little crabs, mussels, shells, clams, eggs, all kinds of microorganisms. We have to later classify everything :-P I have no clue what they are eating down there...but the crabs have to be getting big somehow!! Still not over the grossness.
Thurs 7/20- I had a dr. appt so no crabbing for me. But Gabe went on a crazy boat trip in Milford to go trawling (where they skim the bottom of the ocean with a net) They got somewhere near 80 horseshoe crabs and big fish and other crabs. But uhm when they got there the coast guard said there was a Tropical Storm Warning and not to go out- but they did anyway. INSANITY! (But Gabe said it only downpoured for a good half hour...but still come on the coast guard said NO!) Oh and the boat was 2 hours late too. And when they got back to SHU (they took the official Bio van to Milford) she realized she left her keys to her car IN the boat so they had to drive back to Milford :-P hehe Oh boy oh boy
Tomorrow we attempt to finish website. And I cant wait to get my check. I wanna pay everyone back and just know I worked for it all summer!! Payroll is so incompetent. Sorry- it's true.
Ok so sorry for not updating in so long- I'll try to do more of that from now on. God bless! :-)