Aug 20, 2009 19:45
Today I had fruit bowl for breakfast, I didn't eat the whole thing and then menu said 100 calories which i doubt, but since i didn't eat the whole thing i guess it does equal 100. I had a salad with spray dressing(1 calorie per spray...120 the whole bottle!) and nuts for lunch. I have no idea how many green teas I had but I'm guessing around 4 or 5 cups.
so I had about 150? the peanuts were in my salad and it was a small salad so i didn't even have a full serving of them. One serving is like half a cup and I had prolly like 10 peanuts... so I don't know. and a full serving would have been 170 calories
so I'm just going to say 150.
I had to take a longer route when I was walking the dogs. For some reason the whole time I was walking the dogs random guys in cars would stop the car in the middle of the street and look at me and then drive off( this happened 3 times) and so I decided to cut through the retirment home property but I couldn't because the yard workers were sitting there stairing at me like effing idiots! theyre were really ugly too... I hate when people do this. I hate being fat and ugly. Am I soooo interestingly freaky that you have to go to such dramatic lengths to get a good look at the side show freak? FML
anyways... so tonight I'm going to have a veggie dog (45 calories) and black beans with snaps (175 calories) I might not eat it all though because beans are protein and make you feel more full faster. Can't get my hopes up on that though
so today I will have consumed 370 calories today
if I was correct with my early assumptions....I highly doubt I was correct though
Just as long as I stayed around 400
the good news about today is my mom tackled me while I was on the computer today and she was trying to tickle my side and said "have you lost weight?" makes me feel good (: Plus, Brittany made me feel good about myself today. I just can't believe how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girlfriend. She makes me unbelievably happy. I'm going to buy her something nice and get her a card and write a poem for her about her beauty and kindness. I hope she likes it.