>> if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad.

May 14, 2003 09:55

We just watched a hypnotist last period. It was amazingly funny. I wish I wasn't sooo chicken, & that I would've let go & just volunteered. I'm sure it would've been great fun. It would be nice if I could just.. LET GO.

Yesterday.. was Stace & Chris' 1 Month Anni. Wh00t.
I'm gettin' jealous of bein' the single one again, heh.

I'm needing to see Kyle. I *might* see him Friday if he shows up at the Punchline show. I'm not going to their house party thing, because.. I want to see Punchline wicked bad. Plus the house party was BYOB & I didn't really want to get mixed into any possible trouble that might occur. But I really want to see Kyle, the only thing is if he comes to the show after they are done performing {I doubt he will.} I'm sure Kenz will come too & I don't really want to watch him be happily with his -- woman -- ..you know? All I want is him happily with me. It's horrible. I know.

I can't stop thinking about --> HiM <--
Let's do a little movie quote here, "He's become the voice in my head."
Can you guess where that's from?

[[ Two Weeks Notice ]]

Is there anything anyone could actually do to stop my heart from being broken again? I sincerely doubt it. But ideas would be nice.

Oh, & my friends.. all want things their ways. So, that kinda doesn't help me when I want something different, eh? YEAH! Didn't think so. I wish people would take everyone's opinions & work from there.

I feel like I'm being stepped on.

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