Sep 15, 2011 19:49
I've always been the one to think that things happen for a reason, and when one door closes and locks, another door is open, waiting for you to step through it. I'm going to step through that door and take the opportunity I have now been given with the confidence that people have toward me. Yesterday almost felt like a punch to the stomach, when I learned that I had clocked out for the last time as the assistant manager of my store.
My third key had a rough start, and ran into a lot of rocky patches during her year and a half of working under me. There were times that she could have easily lost her job for things that were going on, but we gave her a chance to improve on herself. Expectations were definitely exceeded, and her promotion was well deserved. She's worried that she's not going to be able to fill the gap that my presence held in the store. A year ago, I would have laughed at the prospect of her taking my place, but looking at it now, she's going to do fine. It just sucks that it took so long for the two of us to see eye to eye, and then we are now separated.
Yesterday I was told that there was no way possible for me to be promoted to the position of store manager at my store. An ASM that was able to reach their full potential at such a low volume store is still not quite ready to be promoted. Hopefully this is going to be the final move that is going to take place before I'm given the opportunity to run my own store. I start on Saturday at my new store. I'm excited about it, but at the same time, I'm nervous because I haven't worked in a busy store in a long time. I forget how it feels to always have something going on, and to always have people in the store.
I've also moved from a ritzy high class neighborhood store, to basically the ghetto. It's the store in our district that closes the earliest every day of the week, and is known to be in one of the worst areas of Canton. That alone makes me a little on the nervous side, but I'm pretty sure I won't have any issues handling things. If I'm able to prove myself here during the
holidays, I'll be given the opportunity to move up in the company as I would like to. Just to hear what my district manager had to say about me and my performance at this store made me really happy. It shows that he's got confidence in my ability to succeed, and I guess that is the boost I needed for myself.
To have actual 40 hour weeks, real shifts that aren't stupid as hell, and two actual days off a week? I'm not going to know how to react to things. I'm looking forward to seeing what this new store is going to bring to me. I just know I need to buy a thing of mace when I get paid tomorrow.