Oct 06, 2011 19:29
We have less than 30 days until Youmacon, and I am certainly starting to feel the crunch of time. I have so much that needs to get done before the convention, and I'm finding myself having less and less time to get things finished, and spending more and more time stressing out over everything. On the list of my to-do's before Youmacon, I'm sitting on the following:
-Finish detailing Taokaka's leg warmers
-Restyle Suika wig, and reattach the horns
-Finish making Suika's hairbow
-Make new set of wristbands for Suika
-Headband commission for Aaron's Alice
-Detail Stephen's sword
-Make my own cosplay sword
I don't even think I'm going to be able to start making Ex-Keine at this point. I wanted to wait until I was able to lose most of the weight to get her started, and I know I'm to the point where losing the last of the weight is going to be a pain in the neck to lose. I'm trying to work on toning my body up, and building a little bit of muscle to counter the last of the weight. I've been able to drop down to 231 at this point, with just 6 more pounds to go until I reach my Youmacon goal weight. I went for a nice two mile walk today with Amber, so I was able to get in a nice cardio workout today.
I've reached the final stretch of my weight loss journey, and I know it's going to be difficult to finish everything off. But I know i can do it. I need to be able to prove to myself that I have the strength to pull through.