I think it's safe to say I've reached the point in my diet where I'm really only losing a pound a week. I haven't felt this great in a while. My knees aren't hurting anymore, my blood pressure has dropped back to normal, and my body is finally able to keep my blood sugar steady again. I think I was able to beat the borderline diabetes.
But this does not mean I'm quitting. I'm still working hard, and I'm down to 244 now. Hitting 225 by youmacon is looking to be a bit harder than I thought, as I only lost like 6 pounds in august, rather than the 8 or 9 I was expecting.
The summer is winding down, so I don't have many more days to bike before it starts getting cold. I'm gonna have to come up with some indoor workouts to keep in shape while it's cooler. I'm actually thinking about investing in an indoor bike trainer, just to keep myself in shape. I have a tendency to slack otherwise.
I need to also snag another bottle of my weight loss pills. I'm not sure which one to go after now. I took D4 during the winter when I wasn't working out, and lost 15 pounds on that. They were just really expensive. I just finished a bottle of hydroxycut max, and lost 3 pounds on that in 2 weeks. Both worked, but hydroxycut is a bit cheaper. Gold card week starts at GNC tomorrow, so I'll see how much two bottles of each will be with discounts, since my card expires this month.
I'm pretty sure if I keep working hard, I can lose 19 pounds before youmacon. I have just over 2 months left.....
Which means I really need to get started on my cosplay to do list, so I have everything done on time, and everything fits me correctly. Suika needs a few little things done with her, Taokaka needs the shoes fixed, and new legwarmers made, and Keine needs made entirely. Plus, I have to make Bartz for Stephen. I'm a little bit scared of that thought. But I think I can get everything done. I procrastinate and still manage to finish things in time. But I want everything to look good. I need to buy a petticoat and pattern for Keine still. Hoping to be able to start on that next week once my boss is back in town and I actually get two whole days off.
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