Aug 16, 2011 00:07
The last week and a half or so has been nothing but a plateau of shit as far as my weight was concerned. I don't know if the 1650 calorie diet had just stopped working, or what was going on with it. But it was like I hit some sort of wall, and my weight didn't want to drop. It wanted to start going back up again. I was at 248.9, then jumped back to 251 in the matter of a couple days. I revamped the diet entirely, and pulled my calories down to 1400 a day. Which I've actually been able to stick pretty soundly to, along with adding exercise in at least 3 days a week. Once I started doing that, the weight began to fall back off again. I'm now down to 246.9, which puts me right back on my schedule again.
I had pretty much stopped biking, and I was only watching the number of calories I was eating every day, and it was working really well. I'm back to biking again, as I've done it twice in the last week, and I plan on going Wednesday and Friday this week as long as the weather is holding up. I also grabbed a set of adjustable weights so I can start lifting and building up some muscle in my body. As the weight keeps coming off, things are going to need to be done to tone everything up. I need to keep getting myself in shape, especially if I'm hoping to reach 225 by Youmacon.
I'm still eating everything I want to eat, but I'm being a lot better about the portions of food that I do eat. Stephen has been following me to an extent, and watching how much he's eating as well. He wants to be able to drop some weight also, but there are times he still goes over when I'm not around.
Since I started this journey back in October 2010, I've lost 50 gut busting pounds. I cannot believe I ever let myself get as heavy as I did. To see the weight coming off, and to see the goal that I'm on my way to.....just wow. I cannot tell you the last time I weighed 200 pounds. I remember being 234 my freshman year of college, back when I played DDR all the time, because I'd hit 250 at that point, and was trying to drop the weight even then. It just didn't work out for me at all. I didn't watch what I ate as much as I said I did.
I'm still trying to get past being hungry as much as I am. I know as time goes on, my body is going to be getting used to as much as I'm eating. And once the weight is off, I'll be able to go to a maintenance diet, which ups the calories for a maintained weight.
Taking things one day at a time. I'm doing this, and I'm going to keep it up without giving up.