I think only a couple people will understand how the icon relates to this

Apr 26, 2010 11:38

I wonder sometimes if I take RPG a little too seriously. I’m not insane. I know that it’s all fake. It’s not real and in the grand scheme of things what we do in a little game really has no weight on anything. But it’s a pastime I really do enjoy. And when I enjoy something, I really care about what happens. And when I care about something I have strong opinions about it. Recently it hasn’t worked out well to voice those opinions because I go up against others who have strong opinion and are headstrong and stubborn like me.

I think my problem in all this is that I’m not afraid of conflict. I’m not afraid of fights. Probably because I come from a conflict habituated household where we fight but that’s how we communicate and generally get we over it pretty quickly. No more then yesterday have I really realized how quickly I get over stuff like this. In the process of an hour I went from happy, pissed, sad, grieving, acceptance, confused, happy. It was a crazy hour. I realize that not everyone is like that and I think that is a key thing. I don’t like holding grudges. I am happy to forget about the bad things that happen in the past. I know not everyone can do that. My own brother can’t do that and we come from the same home so go figure.

My boyfriend often uses the term “addicted” when I talk about RPG. (Yes, he knows all about you guys. He thinks we’re all crazy.) I generally hate when he says that because to me an addiction as a negative thing that impacts my life in a negative way. RPG makes me happy and I don’t see how it effects my life in a negative way. I was already anti-social and a homebody. Really, if anything I’m much better about going out of the house then I have EVER been even when I was just in AIM RPG and that was extremely flexible. But I think I qualify at the least as obsessed.

I mean hell, I probably talk about the RPG in some fashion more then my personal life on this journal. That alone says I’m a little obsessed.

guy, rpg

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