picspam bacon spam spam spam eggs and spam

Jun 21, 2006 22:25

T.E. Lawrence/Sherif Ali slash for the win. With an artist of whom I am extremely jealous and everything. Ah, the things I do for the furthering of my own corruption.

Anyway, I was having a chain-mail dilemma (still am), which led me to the website of a wire jewelry/mail-maker who's been at every con I've ever gone to. Loren Damewood -- pretty awesome stuff there, although a commission like I was kind of thinking about would be waaaay beyond my budget. Curses. But I found his con pictures and guess who I forgot he took a picture of at MSCon earlier this year? Owlmaid as Mary Poppins, rock! Also, I was lurking in the background of a couple of pics of the break-dancing Boba Fetts backstage at the Masquerade, which was pretty entertaining.

So for starters I have costuming picspam. The Buffy "Hush" minion is looking pretty sweet already, and I've only been working for a couple of days (nothing like instant gratification). Here's the current state of it:

As compared to this, so it's pretty good. There are four more straps across the back you can't see there, though, so not totally finished, but good. Gonna ask Llama about borrowing his band shoes because the boots I've got give a lovely "tipping forward onto your face" sensation every time I try to do the proper minion crouch.

Then there's the Baldwin costume, which is still at the gathering-materials stage. I've got some other inane bits and bobs as well, but here's the major parts:

White satiny-type stuff for the cloak (veeery shiny, yayness), blue patterned brocade for the tunic (am still proud of that find, even for $7 per yard), drum major gloves (Llama's brilliant idea), and a plain Mardi Gras mask (at some point there will be much experimentation with paper mache). I haven't the beginnings of a clue about pants or shoes, and as of now my only chainmail options are to make my own or attempt to fake it with a loose-knit sweater and silver spray paint. (Fortunately Mom has an SCA handbook with instructions on making mail, but that's only if I have the patience to learn...)

And I was going to post a decent pic of my finished Sabriel costume, which I absolutely know I took, but I seem to have misplaced the file... huh. This is most irksome. I'll come back to that... someday...

Beyond that, I've just got some random RL picspam. It occurred to me that a lot of pretty major stuff has happened to me recently, things I'm pretty proud of and would like to share. So...

The lovely AP Physics class vacationing in Atlanta! XD Not so much with the importance, but these guys, along with AP English, made up the really tight-knit group of classmates I adored being with for four years. (Also, note very tall boy on far left. This? This is brain-frying crush/wet shirtless hug boy. We had many heated debates over the minutiae of the X-Men. It was love at first squee. Please god I hope he never finds this LJ, but there you go. XD)

Our first glimpse of what it was going to be like to perform on the Orpheum stage. Some people may not think this theater is all that big or impressive, but... those people haven't seen Amory High School's auditorium. The size of the Orpheum blew our frickin' socks off. Stagefright? Rather.

And our sign painted on the wall backstage. ^_^ Man, that whole experience was amazing.

This I must share because OMFG CATS. Favorite musical ever, first musical ever introduced to, only musical ever seen performed professionally -- and the production I saw was THIS PRODUCTION. Starstruck moment? Rather.

High school graduation. For those of you from bigger places, yes, this is the sum total of my graduating class. 109 people, I believe (118 really, but some didn't walk). I'm at the very center of the front row. Thanks, O combination of high GPA and last name with a first letter early in the alphabet, for making me be the first person on the field. That wasn't intimidating at all.

fiyero06 aka the Llama, the soon-to-be-married terioncalling, and myself. Terion graduated two years before Llama and I. And with Victoria out also, our particular reign of terror of AHS has officially ended... we leave the time-honored occupations of corruption and subversion to the next generation. Le sigh.

Well that was cathartic. ^_^. Now for the rest of my life.

school, joseph, costuming, pics, personal

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