
Nov 08, 2008 00:22

So I got halfway through a Cry Moar entry about how I was giving up on NaNo and then I realized I was being a little shit. So, rewrite. Yeah, I'm five days behind, but there's still three weeks to go. I may not win it, although I was hoping this would be the year I did, but that's a stupid reason to give up so early.

If I can't write today, I'll write tomorrow. If I can't write until I can shake this general level of crappiness I've had lately, then I'll write when it passes. I just really don't want to write right now. That's all.

Health: I had a yeast infection or something and that sucked, and then I had a bad reaction to the medication which sucked even more, and then I had PMS, which I'm still having, and as of now I've got the creeping crud. I made the mistake of hanging out with my friend who is sick all day today (stupid, as my immune system was already fighting on a divided front and my stress level was pretty high) and now I have the slug nostrils e.g. my icon, plus sinus drainage and general blechiness. I'll probably still be sick when my period starts, too.

Now I understand why you're not supposed to take more than 19 hours of classes a semester. :(

But Kacy made yummy chili tonight and someone I don't even know said that I had a "good-lookin' radio voice" which was like the ultimate ego-boo. And my chorus director brought up my alma mater high school's music/theatre department out of the complete blue, saying that she'd heard it was really good, and the fact that AHS's reputation preceeds it like that just made me really proud and happy for all of yesterday afternoon. :)

So now I feel like crap and I didn't get any work done today. I don't want to write, but I really want to make Christmas presents. Go figure. And for the seventh weekend in a row, I have two papers and a proposal to write. (I've never had less than two papers to write on a given weekend, though sometimes there were more.)

Maybe someone will take me to WalMart tomorrow so I can get some soup and orange juice. :/


ETA: Forgot I had an icon meme to do for Terion, but I'll get to it tomorrow. ^_^

(I'm seeing how many emoticons I can use in one post, apparently. :D)
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