ants are so stupid

Nov 09, 2008 01:25

Wow, I haven't been sledgehammered by a cold like this in a long time. Usually they creep up on me, make my nose run for a while, annoy me thoroughly and then go away. This one has had me on the couch all day, doing my best imitation of a big, illness-ridden slug. Sitting upright at my computer for more than half an hour makes me miserable and I have to go lie down again. Boo on colds. >:(

Icon meme from terioncalling!
Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

I haven't kept up with Heroes since about episode 3 of season 2 -- and I think I gave up on it for the really shallow reason that I didn't like Hiro's storyline. It had separated him from the rest of the modern world (and especially from Ando -- Hiro/Ando is adorable n'awwww!love), and the best part of season 1 was Hiro and his interactions with everyone else. So... season1!Hiro, I love you (and your love of waffles)! Although that diner fight scene between Hiro and Ando was like the saddest thing ever.

Futurama suffers somewhat from its current trend of over-self-referencing, but even so, I still maintain that it is the single most awesome Western-style animated sitcom ever made (although I adore the Simpsons, too... but I think Futurama was an improvement on its predecessor). Professor Farnsworth and Dr. Zoidberg will never cease to make me feel better about life, no matter how crappy life is being. And whenever something in RL makes me want to say "Dear God!" or the equivalent thereof, I almost always say "Sweet Zombie Jesus!" instead. XD

And if Futurama was the best Western animated sitcom, Space Ghost: Coast to Coast had to have been the best Western animated talk show. I loved Space Ghost: CtC so. Flipping. Much. My parents can confirm the sheer number of times it got randomly quoted in our house as I grew up, and I still do Raymond's falsetto "I'm hungry, I wanna sit down" sometimes when I am actually hungry. I still think "Chambragne" and the full-length cut of "Fire Ant" are like, two of the absolute pinnacles of absurdist comedy. Although the show really needs to be watched at its old Cartoon Network late-night time slot for full, slightly sleep-deprived hilarity factor.

Haha! There's a comm called pantsu_icons, I think, which consists only of icons of any and all animated characters holding this pair of panties. For a lot of anime characters it seems forced, but for some it's straight-up perfect. Vash is one of the ones it's perfect for, IMO.

If you don't know what Movies in Fifteen Minutes is, Google it -- I can't remember the LJ comm title off the top of my head -- because it is hilarious. A lot of my favorite quotes are from the V for Vendetta one (including a few others in my icons -- "I feel refreshed by metaphor!" "Have a flashback on the house" etc), but I also love the one for HP & the Goblet of Fire, where Harry tells Crouch Sr. at the World Cup, "There was this man in a leather jacket -- and then he and a chavvy blonde got into a police box and flew away!" Or words to that effect.

From the excellent Lego Camelot song. I dunno, it just makes me happy to use this icon when making a post or comment about something that makes me happy. The skeleton approves. :D

And because I feel like link-spamming and being nostalgic, I will be both.

Why dinosaurs are awesome: Rite of Spring 1: Genesis, 2: Evolution, 3: Extinction.

Reasons I miss Michael Crichton: I was trying to find the scene where they first see the dinosaurs, because that is so awesome, but so is the epic theme; The 2008 miniseries is pretty good, but the original was an almost flawless adaptation of the book.

Themes that kill me every time: To the Stars, The Breaking of the Fellowship, Isengard Unleashed, the Ents' march, What Shall We Die For?, Gelfling Song, The Stand (the little piece that starts at 2:15), Coming Home from the Sea, One Summer's Day, Evey Reborn, Owen's Theme

These songs are not as cheesy as you think they are: The Last Unicorn, The Greatest Adventure

Strangely, the most painful moment in any of my childhood favorite movies: If you'd been waiting to see a unicorn for as long as I have...

And lastly, because it's absolutely hilarious when you're sick, headachey and sleepy, everyone needs to watch Space Ghost following an ant.

And now I'm done.
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