Fiction Omnibus Post

Oct 29, 2008 16:18

I thought it was about time I had one of these.

These are all of my fan stories that have been written and posted online by me to this date. I may not be able to claim copyright to the characters or settings within the pieces, but I can damn well claim rights to the pieces themselves. No stealing, copying, or reposting any of the following works without my permission; however, saving them to your harddrive for your own reading convenience is fine, as is sharing links to my journal pages with other people.

I hop from fandom to fandom and ship to ship on a whim, probably more often than I should. The result of this is that I have written & posted stories a few times in many fandoms, rather than many times in one. I can't guarantee ever writing more than I already have in any given fandom -- I'm a pretty slow writer, not inclined towards huge wordcount, and once I've thoroughly covered a topic or character in one story I'm not usually inclined to do the same or a similar topic over again.

That being said, I am a very active writer and turn out several stories a year, on average. There's just no predicting what fandom they'll be in or what they'll be about. I also participate in National Novel Writing Month every year -- and so should you, whoever is reading this! Doooo iiiiit.
(March 2012 update: Not so much with being active at the moment. I would love to get back into the writing groove, but my life has taken a turn for the uninspiring in recent years. I'm not counting myself out forever, though.)

Links all go to either an LJ post or ( only provided if there is no alternate link). There is also a Library section on my personal website, but I gave up maintaining and updating this site a long time ago because it's too time-consuming and my HTML skills are basic at best. Also, it has no "reply" function, and I do love me some comments!

The Authority
Dying of the Light
Flesh Wound

Avatar: The Last Airbender
There All the Honor Lies

Battlestar Galactica

"-Ism" Series

Soft Rains
Toy Soldier

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Out, Brief Candle


The oldest fics ever written by me (and their quality reflects that), here for posterity:
Whom the Gods Would Destroy
Come And Go With Me
Epilogue to Suns and Lovers
By the Dawn's Early Light

Fullmetal Alchemist
The War Prayer
Chapter One: Gurney
Chapter Two: Mattias
Chapter Three: Scars

Greed Series (7stages challenge table)
Thy Native Innocence
Folie a Deux
Divinity Within Them
• Cry Havoc
• Via Negativa
• Immortal Longings
• Infection

Growing Pains

Harry Potter
To Speak and To Be Silent (WIP - dead)
Magics of Dishonor
Still Life With Circuitry
Illusion of Truth
A Thousand Words
The Hanged Man
Of Human Bondage
Quod Sumus, Hoc Eritis


His Dark Materials
And Love, Again

Kingdom of Heaven
The Quality of Mercy

Last Exile
Eliot Series (fanfic100 challenge table)
The Lady of Situations
For I Speak Not Loud or Long
Year to Year

Just Sleeping (The Crucible)
Fallen (Cassandra after the fall of Troy)


Pirates of the Caribbean
Bootstrap's Bootstraps
And On the Surface, Die

Greek series
Orpheus At the Gates
Orpheus Descending

Torchwood (& extended Whoniverse)
Carbon Footprint
Thirty Minutes
1941 Redux


Earth to Earth (WIP - dead)
I lied. Here is the story at for commenting purposes, but the following links go to my own website because the formatting is far superior and this version is actually illustrated.
1: Fool's Paradise
2: Lullaby
3: The Calculator Effect
4: Lifeblood
5: Ghost in the Machine
6: Speak, Memory
7: Intersections in Real Time
8: Emotion Sickness
9: Mob Physics
10: A Heap of Broken Images
11: Degrees of Innocence Part 1 & Part 2
12: Sleeping in Light
13: Lies My Teacher Told Me Part 1 & Part 2
14: Learning Curve
15: The Nobodies
• 16: Twice Shy

Face Value (WIP - dead)
1: Thoughts and Morals
2: Choices
3: Faith Seeking Understanding
4: Between Myself
• Shattering the Dreamer
• Face Value

Young Avengers (Marvel Comics)
It's Not Easy Being Green

Young Wizards


Seven For a Secret (Doctor Who/Neil Gaiman's Sandman)

Let Others Follow (Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings; WIP - dead)

Last One to Die Please Turn Out the Lights (Supernatural/Good Omens)

Theseus' Paradox (Torchwood/Doctor Who/Supernatural)


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