Nov 07, 2007 21:27
I'm fucking sick of staring at a computer screen. I need a backrub, dammit. And a good fuck. Okay, now you know my alter-ego's taken over. I'm a tad frustrated with my homework and my inability to learn by just reading. I can create pseudocode, flowcharts, and print charts to my hearts content, but I don't completely understand what I'm doing and that really frustrates me. This is normally the part where I throw in the towel because I feel like I've reached something that's out of my control. I know that what I'm learning right now is "basic programming 101" and that I've looked at some pretty complex code and understood it. Why am I struggling with this? I started seriously considering switching majors so I can stay at IWU AND pick up a degree that requires me to go to the campus. Then I looked at the calendar for my degree and realized that this is what I really want. I really enjoy messing around with this kind of stuff. I read linker logs for crying out loud! Surely I can grasp this!
I think I'm going to call one of the programmers I used to work with and ask for a tutoring session. I just have to figure out how to bribe him. Er, how to convince him. And how to make sure his wife doesn't think I'm trying to pick him up. And I should probably figure out what concepts I don't completely understand so it's not one long-ass session of me going, "Oh, and what about this?" "One more thing." "This is the last one I promise."
Sigh. Back to my homework and beer.