By now, you should have figured out that I'm not the biggest fan of bras. I mean, I like them and all, but if I can get away with not wearing one, I'm there. That means if you come to my house and we're not leaving immediately, I'm not wearing a bra. Unless of course yo'ure at my house for a meeting, I'm just not that comfortable with you, or you're a PotentialBoy and I don't want to give you the wrong idea. I always used to take my bra off at friends houses. Bonfires, movies, or just hanging came off. I'm pretty good at taking it off under my shirt. The first time I did that and a friend of a friend was in the room, he gave me a confused look (he can't see the bra) and said, "What are you doing?" "Taking my bra off," I responded. (Hello, isn't that perfectly normal to you?) But, the bra pretty much always stays on at friends houses now. I do remember annoucing one day, "And my bra stayed on the whole time!"
Anyway, a friend went swimming at the Rec Center yesterday. When she went to change into dry clothes, she realized she left her bra and underwear in her car. (Really, this makes absolutely no sense to me. Did she change in her car? Wear no bra and underwear to the Rec Center? Show up dressed to swim with a change of clothes? I didn't think to ask her these things yesterday.) She had to walk across campus sans undergarments...and thought of me. Isn't that sweet? The funny thing is, I rarely go out in public without a bra. I'm more likely to have a bra on, but no underwear. See the
random facts about me post. It's always amusing to discover what people associate with you.
Has someone ever said, "I always think of you when..." and all you can think is, "Why does that make you think of me?"
P.S. Wife, I'm playing your song!