signal boost: keep the Unspecified option on Livejournal!

Dec 14, 2009 20:14

Hello all,

There have been rumblings about this, but it looks like Livejournal might be officially tipping over into removing the "Unspecified" option from the Gender choices in all User Profiles. That this is for the sake of advertising is dismaying enough; that this decision disenfranchises the many among us who do not identify with binary concepts of gender is, for me, finally at the edge of physically uncomfortable enough for me to consider a dw account.

I'd considered pulling up stakes for good when the ads went up. Now I'm thinking about it again.

There is a thoughtful call to (polite) arms Right Here. I have already sent in my feedback; you can too, if you like. Keep it polite; rage, although normal in such situations, rarely does anything but cause extreme hard-headedness or, in this case, collateral damage.

Apparently, the decision will come down either this Thursday or next, so boost that signal hard, me hearties.


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