The catchiest theme song this side of Mission Impossible.

Jun 22, 2010 19:54

I know, it's been ages. I've been buried under a pile of papers, and the flurries don't seem to be letting up any time soon... Gah, writing life, I fear you greatly!

But there has been some stuff of interest since I laid down pencil, stickynote, and reference tome for the year, namely, that N&D and I took his father to the movies last weekend, and we watched some classy celluloid: The A-Team, people. We watched it. N&D wanted to compare and contrast, so we performed a few experiments via Hulu (gotta love a good archive).

In light of our experiments, a few things I have recently discovered:

That I can watch the A-Team and enjoy the heist-jinks, as long as my brain stays on DORMANT, because who doesn't love a good welding montage?

That nationalist revenge-fantasies aside, there aint much there there... except the welding. I like the welding.

That Murdoch tics the best, but they're all loony. Even Face's façades are merely apt.

That Hannibal Smith is the real psycho of the bunch, and his shark-smile is just the beginning.

That I really wanted some hardcore, lingering pacifist discussion of the ethical ramifications of soldier-of-fortuning in the film. That it was almost possible that one time.

That I'd be willing to write it... If I ever, ever felt that I could encompass the greatness that is B.A. Baracus. But as of now, all I can say is that B.A. Baracus really wants to connect his fist to some pacifist tendencies, but he doesn't know how to start.
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