Writing stuff for the New Year

Dec 24, 2010 12:25

So I signed up for getyourwordsout and pledged myself for 350k words next year. It looks really intimidating at first, but then I went back and did a quick (or, really, not-so-quick) count of all my words last year, and, yeah, I can do it ( Read more... )

get your butt in your chair, get your words out, writing is hard!, writing projects

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Comments 16

klutzy_girl December 24 2010, 17:27:14 UTC
Good luck!


ratherastory December 24 2010, 17:44:04 UTC


lobrien0914 December 24 2010, 17:31:29 UTC
How do you find the time and how do you deal with the writer's block? You're a writing machine!


ratherastory December 24 2010, 17:43:49 UTC
Writer's block hasn't really been an issue much of late. Some days I don't have the energy to write, but I have plenty of ideas, and when I'm really stuck I just chat with pkwench and she sets me straight.

Also, after watching the video I talked about in this post, I have come to view writer's block with more equanimity. I figure that by sitting in my chair and typing away, I am fulfilling my end of the writing bargain. I will not create brilliance every time, but as long as I'm writing, that's half the battle. :)

As for time? Well, I write fast(ish) for one, and I have a wacky work schedule and erratic sleep patterns. It's not too hard to find several hours a week in which to write.


primrose_1 December 24 2010, 18:01:26 UTC
You go, girl!!


ratherastory December 25 2010, 00:35:44 UTC
I plan to! :)


dante_s_hell December 24 2010, 18:55:46 UTC
I love that comm! 350K sounds like a lot, but you write so much and so well that I know you won't have any trouble meeting your quota.

We'll be rooting for you!



ratherastory December 25 2010, 01:10:28 UTC
Well, if I write as much as I did this year, I shouldn't have any trouble at all. :)

Thanks for the good thoughts!


harrigan December 24 2010, 19:05:20 UTC
I ♥ it when we get to benefit from other people's resolutions! You go, girl!


ratherastory December 25 2010, 01:11:10 UTC

I figured people wouldn't be too displeased about that. ;)


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