A New Way to Think About Creativity

Jul 21, 2010 13:19

So I've noticed that a LOT of people on my flist are freaking out in various ways, shapes and forms about their writing lately. A lot have writer's block, a lot are worried about summergen, a lot are simply concerned that their writing isn't any good anymore/ever.

One of my friends, an actual professional, published author, pointed me to this video of Elizabeth Gilbert, and it changed the way I though about my writing.

She makes a very compelling case for the "butt in chair" approach to writing/creating anything, and I love the way she puts it.

It's a longish video (19 minutes), but it is WORTH watching. Especially if you're a writer, especially if you're having trouble with your writing. Take the time to watch it. :)

image Click to view

So show up for your writing. Put your butt in your chair and your fingers on your keyboard (or your pen to paper). Even if you get only one sentence written, you will know that you upheld your end of the bargain.

get your butt in your chair, vid, elizabeth gilbert, writing is hard!, meta

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