And now I wibble more about writing ;)

Jul 21, 2010 14:26

So after the last inspirational post, in which I'm all "Positive Energy YAY!" I'm going to complain bitterly that, while I am upholding my end of the bargain, I am having trouble with my castielfest fic.

Did I mention that I shouldn't write crossovers? They stress me out. :P

Anyway, I have the basic premise in my head. The problem is that I'm not nearly as familiar with the other show, although I do love it. I've never really written fic except for SPN, and I'm having a bit of trouble getting into the heads of the characters.

I've also got this quasi-OCD thing when I write, that I like my chapters and sections to be of equal length. I don't know where I got this little compulsion, and I don't even know if it's a valid concern. I mean, who cares apart from me if one chapter is 900 words and another is 2000? Do people notice this kind of thing? Is it just me?

So I have to work out my structure. I have, again, vague ideas for how it should work, but I haven't really figured out all the nuts and bolts. Also, people have already started posting to castielfest and it's seriously stressing me out that I haven't even remotely come close to finishing the story yet. I've barely scratched the surface of the set-up. I know that in theory I have until August 9th, but all these people are already posting and it's pushing my internal "you suck" button.


Life is hard. ;)

castielfest 2010, authorial wibbling, writing is hard!, crossover

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