Writing stuff for the New Year

Dec 24, 2010 12:25

So I signed up for getyourwordsout and pledged myself for 350k words next year. It looks really intimidating at first, but then I went back and did a quick (or, really, not-so-quick) count of all my words last year, and, yeah, I can do it.

2010 published wordcount was ~450k

2010 total wordcount was ~505k.

So I can definitely make 350k next year. In fact, I am going to give myself a secondary goal of doubling my total wordcount between January 1st and December 31st 2011.

Yes, that's one million words, or an average of 2,740 words a day. I'm a little freaked out, but it's an exciting prospect, so. :)

I have plenty of other goals and projects for the New Year, but I figured I'd record the writing goal here, since this is where I do 99% of my writing these days.

get your butt in your chair, get your words out, writing is hard!, writing projects

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