Title: A Long Retirement - Part 6 Fandom: Captain America/Avengers Series: To Rewrite History Pairings: [For the series]Very minor Steve/Bucky and Tony/Pepper Ratings/Warnings: Canon imprisonment Word Count: 1051 (18,385 total) Disclaimer: If I owned it it would be a family story Summary: No one could have survived that fall, but for Steve they look.
Title: A Long Retirement - Part 4 Fandom: Captain America/Avengers Series: To Rewrite History Pairings: [For the series]Very minor Steve/Bucky and Tony/Pepper Ratings/Warnings: None for this section, other than Howard's crappy parenting Word Count: 2539 (14,382 so far) Disclaimer: If I owned it it would be a family story Summary: No one could have survived that
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Title: A Different Kind of Knight Fandom: Leverage Series: Jukebox Musical Pairings: Hardison/Parker Warnings: some angst, mentions of Parker's crappy home life Word Count: 1102 Disclaimer: If I owned it, the soundtrack would be Kane. Summary: Parker has always hated fairy tales.
Title: nothing more than this Part 5: Ada Fandom: Resident Evil Series: these ink-stained memories Pairings: Ada/Leon Warnings: angst, unrequited love, canon death Word Count: 2303 Disclaimer: If I owned it, everyone would be in love with Leon. Summary: 5 people who never told Leon Kennedy they loved him.
Title: nothing more than this Part 1: Claire Fandom: Resident Evil Series: these ink-stained memories Pairings: Claire/Leon Warnings: angst, unrequired love. Word Count: 1188 Disclaimer: If I owned it, everyone would be in love with Leon. Summary: 5 people who never told Leon Kennedy they loved him.
Title: Just Couldn't Breathe With Your Throne on My Chest Fandom: Hemlock Grove Series: On the Outside Looking In Pairings: Peter/Roman, Miranda/Roman Warnings: Creepy demon Nadia, infidelity, canon weirdness Word Count: 1994 Disclaimer: If I owned it, Peter and Roman would make out. Summary: She doesn't know there's monsters in the dark.
Title: the coals went so wild as they swallowed the rest Fandom: Hemlock Grove Series: On the Outside Looking In Pairings: Peter/Roman, Miranda/Roman Warnings: Creepy demon Nadia Word Count: 1383 Disclaimer: If I owned it, Peter and Roman would make out. Summary: There's always been something not quite right between her cousin and the Godfreys.
Title: a demon holds place in my heart till I die Fandom: Hemlock Grove Series: On the Outside Looking In Pairings: Peter/Roman, Miranda/Roman Warnings: Creepy demon Nadia Word Count: 714 Disclaimer: If I owned it, Peter and Roman would make out. Summary: She knows hunger. She knows rage.
Title: can't find my way up from the basement Fandom: Hemlock Grove Series: On the Outside Looking In Pairings: Peter/Roman, Miranda/Roman, Miranda/Peter Warnings: So much judgment. Word Count: 902 Disclaimer: If I owned it, Peter and Roman would make out. Summary: It's not her place to question or to judge but she does both.
I blame this on the Remake 2. If not for young!Leon's ridiculous face, I wouldn't have been reading old RE fic and that line from Drinks Are on Me (which I did in fact borrow for my story summary) wouldn't have gotten stuck in my head
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