A Long Retirement - Part 6: 2012

Oct 30, 2022 17:47

Title: A Long Retirement - Part 6
Fandom: Captain America/Avengers
Series: To Rewrite History
Pairings: [For the series]Very minor Steve/Bucky and Tony/Pepper
Ratings/Warnings: Canon imprisonment
Word Count: 1051 (18,385 total)
Disclaimer: If I owned it it would be a family story
Summary: No one could have survived that fall, but for Steve they look.

Part 1: 1988
Part 2: 1989
Part 3: 1991
Part 4: 1997
Part 5: 2008


When the alien invasion appears above New York City, Tony is eating toast. To be precise, he's having a late brunch with Pepper and his brothers, the four of them discussing what crisis SHIELD could be facing now.

Director Fury had phoned Tony yesterday morning or rather, he had phoned Iron Man. Steve and Bucky's stories had taught the scientist the value of having secrets, of having the choice to put away his mask when the day was done. Although he hadn't hidden his efforts to help people, he'd done it all as Iron Man instead of Tony Stark. Both of his identities trying their best to change the world and sometimes that task just seems impossible. Thankfully, he's not without his allies in the fight.

Pepper is his right-hand at Stark Industries; Tony couldn't do what he does without her expertise. Similarly, Iron Man's efforts are often aided by a Captain America imitator and the staunch Sniper at his side.

The other men have barely aged a day since they thawed out, still as hale and hearty as they'd been two dozen years before. It's a side effect of the serum, related to their healing factor, and one he knows both men try not to think about. One of many secrets that his brothers hold.

Steve and Bucky had agreed to help Tony almost instantly, unwilling to let him run around as Iron Man without their expertise. But they'd had some stipulations, chief among them that the truth of their identities had to stay under wraps. Perhaps that could change in the future, but they'd seen too much death already for the secrets in their blood. Better to be considered pale imitations of past heroes than put a target on their backs.

That had been the heart of Tony's conflict with Nick Fury. SHIELD had reached out to Iron Man and offered its support, but only without secrets. Fury had demanded the truth about his allies and Tony refused to betray his brothers' trust for anyone.

Which had left Iron Man and SHIELD in something of a stalemate. Fury and his ilk kept on prodding while Tony upped his defenses; whenever their orbits overlapped, JARVIS was forced to increase the firewalls on all his suits just to deflect SHIELD's prying eyes.

So Tony knew he'd never be SHIELD's first port of call when something strange was happening and the fact that Fury reached out to him at all was worrying. Of course the man hadn't told him anything useful, just that he and his friends should be careful over the coming days. Steve thought the warning had something to do with the lightning storms out in the desert while Bucky's vote was on the Hulk going on another rampage. Based on Tony's information, SHIELD had just pulled Bruce Banner in from India.

“That doesn't explain why Fury would reach out to Iron Man,” Pepper is saying, waving a bagel with one hand. “I think it's something much more serious.”

“Your instincts are usually right. But what could be that important?” Tony asks and, of course, that's exactly when the first ship screams by Stark Tower at full speed.

“What the hell was that?” Bucky shouts, shoving his chair back from the table. He runs to the window with Steve close on his heels, just as Tony's phone starts ringing - the one that he keeps for Iron Man.

“You'd better suit up and get to New York,” Fury barks when Tony answers. The man actually sounds rattled, which would be concerning even without whatever just passed the tower by. “I'm sending Thor that way with Barton and the Black Widow. His damn brother is leading an invasion and that's their focal point. Find Loki and stop him before we're overwhelmed. And if you see the Hulk, do your best to point him at the enemy.”

Then Fury hangs up with no further explanation. Always 'need to know' with him. Lucky for SHIELD, Iron Man has his own lines of communication and Bucky is already turning back to Tony to report.

“There's an army out there,” the brunet says, his expressions serious. “Monsters coming through some kind of portal. We're under attack!”

“Yeah, that tracks with Fury's message,” Tony answers. “Apparently the leader is some guy named Loki and Fury is sending folks to help. But with SHIELD, I think we'd better be prepared to deal with this ourselves.”

“This is our city. We'll protect it,” Steve agrees. “Though if Fury's sending allies, we shouldn't refuse them out of hand. I don't like what SHIELD's become, but we could use the extra help.”

Tony can't argue with that logic so he just kisses Pepper and heads for his armor room, his brothers falling into step at his side. The three of them gear up quickly while JARVIS gives them a rundown of what's going on outside. The situation sounds worse with every word and Tony can see his brothers changing, turning back into soldiers before his eyes once more.

“I believe that Thor is here, sir,” JARVIS announces shortly. “A SHIELD plane just landed in Time's Square.”

“You ready, kid?” Steve asks. “I know you've been Iron Man for several years, but you've never seen a fight like this.”

“I'm ready,” Tony answers, steeling his nerves as he slides his helmet into place. “After all, I'm Iron Man. And I've got both of you.”

“Damn straight,” Bucky tells him. The brunet claps Tony on the shoulder before turning to his captain with a grin. Even in the midst of an invasion, they're still Steve-and-Bucky and that knowledge settles Tony even more.

“Come on, Stevie,” the other man continues. “Time to show all these young whippersnappers how it's really done.”

I'm pretty sure I heard that Thor's around two thousand, Tony thinks. But he knows it's a lost cause. There's no point in arguing when they're all kids to Bucky, and it's not like he truly minds being the youngest after all.

So Tony just fires up his thrusters and follows his brothers out onto the balcony. Then Iron Man, Captain America, and the Sniper leap off of Stark Tower, ready to defend their city with everything they have.


fic, steve/bucky, minor pov, canon!au, het, poignant, avengers, rewriting history*

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