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Rashgar User Number: . . . . 7?
Date Created:2004-ish
Number of Posts: lots!
A Pirate and a Count, Rashgar holds many mysterious powers. He is so mysterious, some believe him to be a phantom in the flesh. No one knows his real name, but it is rumored that he comes from the fantastic city of Milan, Italy. Prized student of Chuck Noris, Champion of Iron Shef, and all around great guy. Rashgar enjoys sailing the sea under the stary skies, smoking pipe tobaco, and eating delicious sushi.
Strengths: Mysterious cool powers, looking cool, picking up cool chicks, fighting with killer cool moves, cooking with super cool skill.
Weaknesses: Beautiful blue eyes of beautiful young women.
Special Skills: Swords lv4, pistols lv3, block lv3, unarmed combat lv3, dodge lv2, diplomacy lv4, cooking lv3, dancing lv4, gambling lv2, Poetry lv2, Piano lv3, Mysterious power lv?
Weapons: Mits (fists), pistols, sword, mysterious cool power, Heavenly fire
Quote: "For the Kingdom of God is not of talk but of power."
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