"The Deadly Fire Ant"
History of the Fire Ant:
In ancient times when ancient peoples romed the earth, there were only several opsticals that prevented humans from gaining complete control of the planet. The first came in a wave of zombies that was soon destroyed by the ninjas. But as ninjas grew in power their mighty society collapsed due to inner conflict. When civil kings were finaly able to seperate themselves from the ninja control, a new enemy to mankind emerged! Today this enemy is known as Fire Ants!
Fire Ants were created by the great evel lord of fire, "Sir Fuego".
In an attempt to wipe man off the face of the earth, Sir Fuego engineered this devilish creature. Man was on the brink of extinction. But then, pharos and kings formed an alliance with the vikings of the north. After a century of conflic, the deadly ants were pushed back into the sea.
This six legged deamon with firey breath and an ability to adapt to almost any advisary has been growing in number under our very noses. How this deadly enemy has re-apeard, no one knows. Most believe these creatures to be nothing more than a simple bug pest. But they are wrong. Why people ignore this danger is unkown. But maybe it is because people are too afraid to admit this growing thret. One thing is for certain. If we do not take action now. Civilization as we know it will be wiped out, as it almost once was during the ages of kings.
There is hope:
The fire ants have for now only been focusing their attentions in southern areas of our great nation.
If we are able to gather a new aliance with all man kind, we may be able to survive this thret. We must get organized before the first wave of massive global ant invasion. Toronto, in the town of horning mills will be the best place to organize a defense.
Here nuclear sheleters have already been made in the fiftys, so no other location on the earth is better. If you can't get there, build your own shelter. It is neccessary to have some shelters so that we can survive the fire ant's deadly fire breath.
The fire ant is a natural killer. It has an exoskeleton that protects it from the most deadly poisons, elements, and simple blunt forces. The fire ant can eat a cow! Also the fire ant is scary! It has six legs and three parts to its body, so don't aproach one by yourself or you could easily be torched! Fire ants are deadliest in numbers!
The fire ant is not a simple pest, it can adapt to almost any toxin. Thinking that any normal insect repelant can kill it may get yourself killed. Further more, crazy thinking like that is what helps fire ants gain amunity to new toxins and creates more of a danger to our human babies!NORMAL BUG KILLER SPRAY WONT WORK!
For this enemy we will need state of the art home defense weaponry. Already plans of leagalized rocket launchers and hand sized nuclear devises are being tested for aproval.
I pray for you all and I know that in time, the deadly fire ant will be taken down to its knees and finaly destroyed! Down with the evil fire vermin!!!!!!!