Recognizing Kenbin, Additional security

Nov 23, 2022 22:03

They were about finished tacking up when they heard a rider approaching the open door fast. Snow kicked up past the doorway and a soft crunch of feet dropping into the snow sounded before a man and horse appeared, both breathing heavily and the horse steaming from the pace they had kept. The man suddenly stopped, surprised at seeing the two of them standing in the aisle. Teigan turned slightly away and angled behind his horse, trying to look disinterested and busy.

The man pulled down his scarf and stared in disbelief. "Sherod? Sherod Kalden? What are you doing here?"

"Kenbin-" Sherod began, but Teigan suddenly snapped to attention.

"You!" Teigan breathed, glaring at Kenbin. "I know you," it sounded like a threat as he stepped around his horse.

Sherod looked wildly between the two men, not sure what to do. Teigan's movement looked almost predatory. Kenbin looked confused to start, and then as Teigan stepped into full view it shifted to surprise and then fear as his eyes widened and he went pale. Sherod finally found his feet and jumped between them as Kenbin backed into his horse and then shut his eyes and braced for whatever blow might come.

"You started all of this." Teigan pointed over Sherod's shoulder at Kenbin, but made no effort to go past.

"What-easy Sollit." Sherod was rethinking the wisdom of his position between them. It felt a bit warmer than it did a moment ago, but it wouldn't do any good to have Teigan get in a fight with Kenbin. "What's this about?"

"He knows." Teigan nearly growled the words before he took a deep breath and stepped back. Sherod looked back at Kenbin as the man attempted to regain some composure.

"I did the scouting on Sray," Kenbin nodded to Sherod before carefully watching Trigan again. "Was a little deep into it by the time I realized you were still alive." He readjusted his hat and shifted his coat with a tug and roll of his shoulders. "Don't think I didn't have second thoughts about telling Mishor about you all. Would have saved all of us a lot of trouble. Just doing my job, like I'm trying to do right now. Just back with news from the Council Seat. Krands, this is a mess." He shook his head. "We haven't actually met. You recognize me, how?" He tentatively asked Teigan.

Teigan sniffed and crinkled his nose before turning back to his horse. "The only thing you couldn't hide was your smell."

Mishor waited patiently by the door as the focus slowly shifted from Sray to his foreign presence.

Teigan put his hands on Sray's shoulders and frowned slightly. I almost want an interaction here about her shoulder, but don't know. Teigan turned to face Mishor. "You protected her as one of your own."

"As promised." Mishor inclined his head briefly. "I am a man of my word. I will do anything in my power to protect her and in turn all of you, which is what I wanted to discuss. First of all I want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I am glad it was not worse, and in a perfect world we would have found them before they could act, but it isn't and here we are." He clasped his hands together behind his back.

"That is not all you want to say." Teigan prompted Mishor to continue.

"I want to extend more substantial protection here, if you would have it. People who would stand watch and would ensure your safety."

Teigan set his jaw and drew himself up to his full height. There was the briefest look at Kayrin. "We decline."

"Are you sure?"

"I could tell you were coming before you turned down the lane. I know there are still five people at your vehicle, four inside and one on top. We can stand watch better with fewer people."

Mishor nodded slowly. "Let me know if you change your mind."

"People you hope are loyal to you."

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: sherod kalden, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: kenbin mounthyuns, lemyes, lemyes: sray

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