something like revenge

Nov 22, 2022 06:15

Sray gratefully tucked under her mother's arm.  The five of them walked the distance to the house in silence, Mishor respectfully bringing up the rear.

Sray swallowed hard as they mounted the steps and Kallon and Janef entered the door ahead of them.  She barely caught the sound of Janef whispering, not loud enough for her to understand what was said, thought she could guess it was a warning that they were being accompanied by Mishor.

When Sray entered the house she noticed the front curtains had been drawn shut.  Teigan was standing out of sight of the door and didn't move until it had shut behind Mishor.  Teigan approached Sray and placed his hands on either side of her face. "I have missed this face." He said softly and then pressed their foreheads together. Sray sighed and felt like she could breathe again.

"I've missed you, too, more than I ever thought possible." She whispered, feeling the emotions boiling up again, but she swallowed it back down, not yet, not with Mishor standing there. Just a moment he had said.

Kallon settled next to one of the front windows after dropping the bag by the ladder, folding his arms and leaning into the wall. Part of his attention was focused on Mishor, but he was also keeping an eye out the window on the carriage, making sure the men were keeping Mishor's word.

Janef looked anxious and tucked herself next to Kayrin.

Mishor stood quietly by the shut door.

[Something like revenge]"You shouldn't be doing this." Kallon mumbled, shaking his head. "You're all in danger. You don't know what Triden is like. You shouldn't risk yourself and your family for me."

Silfiya stared right back at him, leveling him a stern look. "No, I know exactly what Alekandler Triden is like. I worked under hjm for nearly ten years. It is time he paid for all his crimes."

Kallon gaped back. "What-" the rest of the words failed him.

"I have no proof, but I know he's the reason I'm a widow. I would do anything for your family, Kallon, but this is also for mine."

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