Breaking in to Break Them Out

Nov 24, 2022 18:33

It was a fight to get into the basement level of the school. Gilbreizhyem got them to and inside the building without any trouble. The school was mostly empty, done for the term. Just the few who stayed year-round hanging about. Not sure of Yeshayfid Zhyeldinvyu is the Hafitch or a second in command who had a lot of pull. I don't thing Sray knows that Kayrin's mother was a Zhyeldinvyu, they never really talked much about the Hillenbohn side of the family. Kayrin rather happily left it all behind and fully embraced what it was to be Getier.

There were about four Meim and a dozen Klamon that went in to free the lost generation.

Yeshayfid Zhyeldinvyu stood in their way. "What is all this, Torzhyenbohn?" He asked, blocking the door and looking back at all of them with a challenging tenseness.

"We're here to get them out." Gilbreizhyem said. "Step aside, no one needs to get hurt over this."

"Get who out? This is just the entrance to the cellar, you know that." He stared hard at Gilbrei as if Yeshayfid could change the man's mind about what they had come there to do.

"If it's just a cellar then why are you guarding it?"

They eventually came to blows. Yeshayfid ended up killing someone with a Meim blade and after that the restraint was gone. I don't think he even knew what hit him. Maybe it was Kallah, perhaps someone else. They made it through the door and crowded down the stairs.

Kallah rushed to what appeared ro be an open door. "Kirrei!" She reached out, but recoiled when her hand hit the invisible structure. It felt ... empty.

Kirrei rolled off the cot and pressed her hands against the barrier. "Kallah, what are you doing here?"

The whole chamber echoed with names and cries of surprise and relief.

"I'm getting you out." Kallah put her hands level with Kirrei's. There was no feeling past the barrier and Kallah's gut tightened in fear.

"You can't, I've tried." Kirrei whimpered. "It doesn't work."

Kallah folded her ears back in thought as she tried to feel into the structure. Not a single charge, not a spark, no feeling of life or flash to work from.

"That's why we're here." Gilbreizhyem appeared next to Kallah.

"You!" Kirrei sat back in surprise.

"I know, I know." He replied as he placed his hands on the structure. "We had to wait for the right time. I don't know how long we have until someone notices we're here.

Tos helped Sray learn Ela'yan, kept bullies at bay, and Sray helped him through the loss of his mother.

"I am hoping that is the end of those who would cause trouble." Mishor said.

"You would be a fool to think that will be the end of it." Kayrin said. "Silfiya has had all sorts of trouble related to her translation work and that is years after and no other connection to the Klamon. She still doesn't want it to be common knowledge over twenty years later."

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: gilbreizhyem torzhyebohn, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: yeshayfid zhyeldinvyu, lemyes, lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes: tosef savin, lemyes: sray, lemyes: brotherhood of the mime

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