Names, Aftermath of Ashtim confrontation and miscellaneous

Nov 22, 2021 21:09

"I also think it is time you give Sherod Kalden some more details about his charge. He needs to know her family is aware of us and not because of Sray Hillenbohn."

"So," Kem drew out the word as she sat down in a chair near Sray who was laying on her own bed, staring at the ceiling, "your name isn't Kamenan, is it?"

Sray looked over at Kem and raised a brow at her in a look that questioned of all the things Kem could be asking about why that?

"I mean, well, you didn't exactly say yes or no when Taysa said it was pronounced like a Kamenan name. It could be a Kamenan name, your mom's Kamenan, but your dad isn't so I guess I'm just curious if it's actually Kamenan or not."

Sray stared at Kem for a minute before finally responding with a sigh and retuening her gaze to the ceiling. "No, it isn't Kamenan, it's Getier."

Once class was dismissed Sray lingered and Kem stayed with her. Illendis ensured the others were ushered out of the room.

"He caught you by surprise, didn't he?" Illendis asked as he sat against a desk.

Sray looked back at him with a tired, drawn expression. "I've talked about what I did as mch as I want to, sir."

He nodded sympathetically. "Understood, do you have any questions for me then?"

"Mr. Mishor thinks I should have an adult escort outside of classes and the dorm and I agree with him. That and I'd rather give space between myself and the rest of them."

"Except for Ms. Aldai here." He nodded to Kem.

"Seltan didn't change anything for her as far as I can tell." Sray replied.

"Well, it made me realize how many more jerks there are here." Kem grumbled.

Illendis stifled a laugh. "Well, this is definitely a test of everyone's character now, isn't it? We'll see how many of us shar Danrick Mishor's lofty ideals." He stood up. "Well, Ms. Hillenbohn, where do we go from here? You have a couple hours before dinner."

"I've been asking that same question, sir, but in a much broader sense." Sray said as she got up from her chair.

"I am not surprised, but where would you like to go for now?"

"Just back to the dorm, I don't want to take up your time following me around."

Illendis opened the door. "Don't worry about me and my time Ms. Hillenbohn."

The three of them moved through the hallways and turned the corner to see Silfiya DeTowr seated outside their room, a book in hand and her glasses low on her nose as she read.

"Silfiya, keeping watch are you?" Illendis asked.

She closed the book and nudged her glasses up her nose. "Given the excitement of the last few days Mishor thought it might be wise to have at least one set of eyes on the girls' room in case someone decides to do something stupid. That and I wanted to see how Sray was doing." She nodded towards Sray.

Illendis nodded his head. "Well I'll leave these two in your most capable hands."

The sound of the dinner bell seemed to vibrate Sray's bones. Her initial determination leaving Mishor's office had waned and she felt the heavy burden of all that had happened. All the possible doomsday scenarios crowded in her head and it was a struggle to keep her breathing even.

"Are you coming or should I bring something back for you?" Kem interrupted Sray's thoughts.

Sray shook her head to clear it. "No, I'm coming, I just have to face what I did."

Kem snorted. "What Ashtim did." She muttered.

"They'll only care about what I did, not what he said." She got up and headed to follow Kem to the door.

"Well, they should care about what he said." Kem opened the door. "Anyone who was there thinks he deserved it."

"I should have kept walking. They were just words."

Kem grunted and frowned, she obviously had her own thoughts about that. Silfiya DeTowr was still outside the door, Illendis had taken a seat and they were talking as Kem and Sray stepped into the hallway.

"Joining us for dinner Ms. Hillenbohn?" Illendis stood.

"We'll see if I can eat something and not make a scene."

By the time Teigan makes it to Engama Dentill has been rooted out and he probably confessed everything, pointing all the fingers to keep himself out of any more trouble than he was already in.

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: sherod kalden, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes, lemyes: kem aldai, lemyes: zekkarran illendis

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