More Teigan and Kayrin, name meanings, Kenbin and Sherod, and some more Tos

Nov 23, 2021 21:06

He sat back with his arm behind him, propping himself up as he studied Kayrin. He cocked his head and pursed his lips and then scrunched his nose before sitting up and scratching behind his ear. "How help you Klamon, Kayrin Hillenbohn?"

"I would like to make the other Humans stay South of the Milash to start. If we can get some sort of peace agreement, a real one, not just this not killing each other thing that is barely holding now." She waved her hand vaguely, "but to do that your Kamenan will have to be much better and I think I will have to learn your language."

"You learn Getier?" Teigan asked

"You speak Kamenan, I could learn Getier."

I'm getting brief suggestions that Tos helped Sray in easing into life in Jon. He may have headed off some bullies and, for a time, was her best friend. Somewhere between 14 and 16 Sray put up her wall to protect both of them in her own way.

Sray stared at Kem for a minute before finally responding with a sigh and retuening her gaze to the ceiling. "No, it isn't Kamenan, it's Getier." Delete above

"So what does your name mean?"

"What?" Sray looked at Kem again.

"Your name, does it mean something specific in Getier? Like I was named after my great-great aunt and it is an old Ela'yan name meaning [something I haven't decided yet]. There was a character in an old fable who [did a thing I need to figure out]."

Kem and her never-ending questions. "It is a Getier word, really, it would best translate to 'hope.'"

"Hm, hope," Kem rolled the information around in her head for a minute before digesting it fully and giving a little, sharp nod. "Yes, hope is a good meaning. It suits you."

"I don't feel it much right now." Sray replied.

"Maybe not, but I think a lot of others do."

Kenbin went to the cooper's first.

"Do you know if Mrs. Hillenbohn has been in town today?"

"On Remstan? No, none of them come into town, even Kallon."

Kenbin frowned, he had hoped to avoid the farm. He trusted Danrick, but Klamon still made him nervous and he had a small fear about them realizing he was the one snooping around their place for months on end. "That's what I was afraid of." He grumbled.

"Has something happened?" Sherod asked.

"Tosef DeMyur came into the great hall at dinner last night and made a scene while exposing Sray Hillenbohn's heritage. Once the dust settled Mishor sent me here to deliver a message to Mrs. Hillenbohn directly."

"You'd rather not go there I take it?"

"This is my cousin Tenasef, she's usually not that rude." Elima frowned at the young woman.

It was a more somber ride than the first. Sray just hoped there were no surprises waiting for her.

"You keep saying things like that, Tos and I'm getting tired of reminding you it isn't going to happen."

"I'm just letting you know I'm still here if you ever decide marriage is something you are allowed to do." Tos replied.

"And what makes you believe I think I'm not allowed to get married?" Sray asked dryly.

"Sray Hillenbohn," he started like he was explaining something she should already know, "we've known each other half our lives, if you think you can do something, you do it."

Being right just happened to be one of Tos' more infuriating traits.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: tenasef hyun, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: sherod kalden, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: elima hyun, lemyes: kenbin mounthyuns, lemyes, lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes: tosef savin, lemyes: kem aldai

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